Health Tips

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10 Tips To Avoid Hair Loss

Women are less likely to inherit hair loss than men; However, stress, poor diet, excessive use of dyes, shampoo, tongs, and dryers damage the health of the scalp, which can also cause them.

Do not be alarmed!

Here are 10 tips to strengthen your hair:

1. It is important to make sure that the origin of this condition is not a scalp disease such as fungus, or health problems such as anemia, depression, or anxiety.

2. Mask for shiny hair:

3. Make a light massage with the fingertips on the scalp daily, exert a little pressure in a circular way, this will help improve circulation.

4. Drink two liters of water daily and reduce caffeine consumption.

5. Include vitamin A in your diet, it helps hair grow quickly and healthily. You can find it in the liver, carrot, eggs, or cheese.

6. Avoid wearing garters and tight hairdos.

7. Smoking excessively weakens f olículos hair and favors the fall of hair.

8. Wash your hair every other day unless you suffer from oily hair. Just rinsing it off with water will keep it healthy and won't look dirty.

9. The constant use of the dryer breaks the hair, so it is preferable to air dry it. If you can't avoid wearing it, do it at 12 inches. away and with cold air.

10. Chemicals weaken the root of the hair, making it lose strength and shine. It is recommended to use dye only when necessary and not for a fashion issue, especially if you do not want to go bald.

To strengthen and prevent hair loss you don't need to invest a fortune in expensive treatments; Follow these practical tips and have enviable hair.

21 Oct 2020

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